Layout Specs


Control the "DPI" scale by Scaling the root layer.

Kustom Setup

Make a global list: DPI, with options:

75##Tiny, 83.36##Small, 100##Regular, 112.5##Large, 125##Huge

Link the root layer scale to gv(dpi).

Do NOT scale komponents, only the root layer of the whole setup.


The width of the root container is $si(rwidth)$. Use that formula to automatically adjust the width of objects.


The height of the root container is $si(rheight)$. Use that formula to automatically adjust the height of objects.

Keep in mind the additional padding for the status and navigation bars.

Kustom Setup

Make two global numbers:

  • STB for the status bar padding/offset

  • NAV for the navigation bar padding/offset

For the height of fullscreen objects that don't span below status and navigation bar use the following formula:



The formula for the Image height is:


or in short


That's how we can keep all the content visible on all aspect ratios - the image is automatically resized.